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"I am a living testimony that your wildest dreams and vision for your life really can come true."

I am a living testimony that your wildest dreams and vision for your life really can come true. It’s no understatement when I say the manifestation of my life’s dreams and vision are directly explained from the success of Mariko’s ‘Create The Blueprint Vision Board Experience.’ They are predicated on the inner potential she cultivated within me. Through Mariko’s coaching, I embraced my goals and primed intentional imagining to believe that all things are possible. Here are the receipts: I attended one of her events in January, that allowed successful women to collaborate, communicate, and celebrate their vision in seven life-focus areas. I focused on a professional vision that would land me a new career with trusted and honorable corporate leadership; that aligns with my personal values; pays a six-figure salary; where I will grow with colleagues deliberate about an environment of mutual respect and admiration; and a place that I will successfully deliver on the job responsibilities. In the beginning of February of the same year, I was offered an opportunity of a lifetime to onboard at Walgreens Boots Alliance! There’s more. One week after that opportunity, I received a call to audition and interview as a volunteer monthly host for Seniors Today - a local county cable program produced by Comcast. The dreams and vision I have for my life were cultivated at ‘Create The Blueprint Vision Board Experience.’ I can certainly be, because Mariko helped me see!

Katie Smith



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